1. Where can I find/download my products’ manual?

You can view or download our product manuals here. Can’t find the manual you’re looking for? Feel free to request a product manual by emailing tech@audiopipe.com and we’ll get that uploaded for you right away!


  1. Where can I find additional technical specifications such as measurements, wattage, etc.?

We suggest you refer to your product manual first. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for try our Learning Center for more info like wiring diagrams, power cable AWG calculators, or installation guides. If you still can’t find your answer, our Customer and Technical Support crew is ready to help, just give us a call at 1-877-283-4674.


  1. The product I want to purchase is sold out. When will this model be restocked?

Due to high demand, some of our popular models sell out from time to time. But don’t worry, models are typically restocked quickly. If you would like to be notified when stock is replenished for a specific model just go to the product page and locate the “Email me when available” button in the top right corner of the window and sign up for the notification. You’ll automatically receive an email alerting you when the model is restocked and available for purchase. Another option you have is to locate your nearest Audiopipe dealers using our Authorized Dealer Locator and contacting them to see if they have stock of the model you are looking for.


  1. Can I register a products warranty if I purchased it on Amazon or eBay?

Unfortunately, only brand new products that have been purchased from an authorized Audiopipe dealer or directly from www.audiopipe.com are eligible for warranty.

We stand behind our products and are proud to offer a limited warranty on all new products for one year from the date of purchase when purchased from an authorized Audiopipe dealer.

The warranty does not cover accidental damage, misuse, product neglect, or improper installation. If you damage your product and get it repaired by anyone other than Audiopipe this will also void the warranty. Warranties are not transferable should you decide to sell your product to a third party.

It is our goal to make the warranty process as quick and easy as possible. For customers who purchased directly from Audiopipe’s official website or from an Audiopipe authorized dealer, the process can be started by clicking here


  1. How can I buy from the Dealer Line collection?

The Dealer Line collection of products is not available for purchase online. Our Dealer Line products were crafted specifically with our customers and our authorized dealers in mind, and are sold exclusively at these brick-and-mortar stores. With so many unreliable and impersonal online retailers, we wanted to create an avenue for purchasing these exclusive products that our customers could depend on.

If you are not sure if your closest Audiopipe dealer carries our Dealer Line collection of products, you can always check our Dealer Locator. Dealers participating in the program will be indicated with the Dealer Line Icon.


  1. How can I access my Dealer Line product’s one year warranty extension?

A one-year warranty extension is available when your unit is purchased, registered, and installed by an Audiopipe authorized dealer. Having your Dealer Line product purchased, registered, and installed by an Audiopipe authorized dealer ensures that your equipment will function at its highest potential performance. To register your product yourself fill out and submit this form.


  1. How can I find an Audiopipe authorized dealer near me?

To locate your nearest Audiopipe dealer use our Dealer Locator. Just plug in your city or zip code and you will be able to locate all the Audiopipe dealers in your area.


  1. How can I become an authorized Audiopipe dealer?

We’re always on the lookout for new distributors to join our team and support the sales of our products around the world. If you are interested in becoming part of our distribution network, please fill out the form at the bottom of our Dealer Line page.


  1. Do you ship internationally?

Unfortunately we are not able to ship internationally at the moment and only ship within the contiguous United States.  

Our Audiopipe authorized dealers are located all over the world. We suggest using our dealer locator to locate your nearest Audiopipe dealer to see if you can work with them to have our products shipped or picked up.

Additional shipping options may be available via other authorized retailers like Amazon or eBay if purchasing from their platform. Please contact these retailers directly to confirm their policies and options that they might have available to you.


  1. What do I do if I have a problem with my online order?

Not to worry, we take every precaution in our quality assurance and order fulfillment procedures to ensure your order is fulfilled and shipped to you correctly. On the rare occasion that there is an issue with your order, please contact our customer service department so we can figure out the next steps. Please have your order information handy so we can determine the next steps to get this corrected for you. 


  1. How can I contact Audiopipe?
Didn't find what you were looking for on our FAQ page? No worries, we can still help! Please feel free to contact us via email at tech@audiopipe.com, by calling 1-877-238-4674, or by filling out this form.